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Road safety education

The week of 21st to 25th March, our students were visited by officers from the Local Police of La Orotava to be instructed on what should be the behaviour on public roads, both as pedestrians and drivers (bicycles, scooters…).
In addition to this, the new member of the La Orotava police force, Akira, gave a demonstration. This dog searches for non-legal substances.
This visit has allowed our students to learn how to take care of themselves on public roads and that our officers have resources to prevent the circulation of undesirable substances. All of this took place in a relaxed, pleasant and constructive atmosphere.
We do not want to say goodbye without thanking the police officers for their closeness and friendliness with our children.
Thanks to the instructors and, of course, to our future drivers for their willingness to listen, participate and learn.

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