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Swami Brahmanand Pratishthan Centre, India

Charity Background:

Mentally challenged children have little integration into present day society in India. Small initiatives for these children include day schools especially for catering for the challenged when young, and throughout their school years. However, as they grow older little opportunities remain in society for any concrete measures for rehabilitation.

The Trust is presently running a Vocational Training Unit centre which caters for people with special needs who attend the centre irrespective of their age. These mentally challenged adults find solace in coming to the centre for special programs designed to aid rehabilitation into society.

How the British School of Tenerife contributes:

We put on a school disco to help raise money for the centre. It costs 300 Euros to sponsor a child for the year.

The disco was held at the former Yeoward site, Parque Taoro on 19th October.

The theme of the evening was to dress in white. The older students loved the responsibility of running the bar and being in charge of preparing drinks and taking money. Even the teachers got involved and took it in turns to manage the night. At the end of the evening everyone went home tired with all the dancing, but very happy.

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