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Planting hope

Year 5 are participating in a financial project in conjunction with the BBVA. The project, ‘Valores del Futuro – Campaña de Ahorro en el Aula’ is designed to give children a greater insight into ways of generating money as well as creating budgets. It is a national project, offered to all schools throughout Spain; which provides students with the opportunity to enhance fundamental life skills, whilst competing for prizes of up to 2,000€ to help fund their project.

Students from both Year 5 classes are working together to raise the funds needed to create a school allotment, in which they will grow fruits and vegetables with the overall objective of selling their produce to raise money for charity. This is intended to be a long-term project which will provide the chosen charity with regular donations.

You can learn more about our project and vote for us, helping us to win, by visiting the website and clicking ‘votar’.

The students and teachers from Year 5 would like to thank you in advance for your support.

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