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Biology Project – Year 13

In February 2020, three Biology Year 13 students finished the Project “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE HAIR OF THREE NEOTROPICAL MAMMAL SPECIES USING A SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE FOR MORPHOLOGICAL DETAIL AND ELEMENT COMPOSITION” they have been working on for months  (please refer to the poster for details).  The Project was done in the Instituto de Microscopía Electrónica, SEGAI, Universidad de La Laguna. The idea was to present the Project in the 3rd International Science Congress in the Sage College, Jerez in March 2020.  Unfortunatly, Covid-19 pandemia broke at this time, so the students could not go to represent their work.  A poster has been made, and it is of great pleasure to present it to all the BST community.  The original work is 17 pages long, if anybody is interested in looking at it, please let me know and I can send it to you.


I would like to thank Dr. Marcos Frías García, Servicio de Microscopía Electrónica de la Universidad de La Laguna, SEGAI, Tenerife, for his invaluable input and technical advice, Mrs. Maurita Simmonds and Mrs. Elizabeth Echandi, British School of Tenerife, for supporting and financing our project. We also also like to thank the staff from Loro Parque for providing the mammal hairs and to Mr. Wolfgang Kiessling for allowing us to take samples from them. Lastly we would like to thank Dr. David Waugh and Ms. Eva Baumgartner for proof-reading the present paper.


I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate these amazing students, who are now studying in Surrey- Veterinary Medicine,  Kent- Biosciences, and Nursing school in Spain.


Dr. Marian Waugh, Head of Science Department, Biology teacher,

British School of Tenerife

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