For the second year running, we held a very successful event during break times and after school to raise funds on behalf of Macmillans Cancer in the UK and AECC (Asociacion Espanola contra el Cancer) in Spain. On 27th September, we had our very own Coffee Morning in the playground.
It was so nice to see all the children, many of the staff and lots of parents come to support the charities by having a drink, a cake , a chat and lots of fun down in the playground.
Together we raised over 400 Euros for these two deserving charities and we should be proud of ourselves by knowing that our small part in this world wide event has provided care and support for many people dealing with Cancer. This will make a big difference and make sure no one is ever facing this devasting journey alone.
I would like to thank the army of people who helped behind the scenes before and during the event; making more than 300 glittery cupcakes , organising and decorating the playground or playing the music and serving the drinks.
It really was a team effort that was truly appreciated by all.
See you at the coffee morning next year!
Thank you all for your support
Miss Kirk
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