In October, neurodiversity is being celebrated around the world.
On October, 1st is ADD/ADHD Awareness Day, this presents the opportunities to eliminate the myths and share the facts about Attention deficit disorder and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
While most children with either ADD or ADHD first show signs between the ages of 3 and 7 years, many go undiagnosed. Others are misdiagnosed.
The prevalence in the world population is estimated from 5% (American Psychiatric Association) to approx. 10% (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and the majority of these individually are undiagnosed. Different sources agree that the causes of ADHD/ADD are due to a genetic component.
In our school we celebrate the neurodiversity of our students, who we believe in, and we encourage them to use their strengths to succeed at school and in life.
Join us by spreading the word to create awareness![:es]En el mes de octubre se conmemora la neurodiversidad a nivel global.
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