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Welcome to Secondary
Technology at BIST

At our school, we recognize the importance of embedding fundamental skills such as reading, writing, and fine and gross motor skills before introducing children to iPads. In line with the British curriculum, children receive one hour of computing lessons per week. However, it is only from Year 4 onwards that pupils use their own iPads as a learning tool. We ensure that teachers remotely monitor pupils’ iPads to keep them on task and are very mindful of screen time limits. This approach helps us balance the benefits of technology with the essential development of basic skills in the early years.

The use of smart watches and mobile phones is not allowed in school unless there is a medical reason for this. This policy is in place to minimize distractions, prevent cheating during exams, and promote face-to-face interactions among students. In secondary, students’ electronic devices are handed as soon as they walk into school and are returned to them as they leave the premises at home time. This ensures that students remain focused on their studies and maintain a positive learning environment throughout the school day.

At the British International School of Tenerife, iPads are managed by our IT department, which handles the installation of all necessary applications for teaching, ensuring their proper use and protecting students from online threats. Parents can purchase iPads through our vendor’s website by following the provided guidance. Once purchased, the supplier ships the iPad to the school, where it is configured by our IT department before being delivered to the student.

We also hold e-safety parental workshops to equip parents with the basic skills needed to ensure secure and controlled use of these devices at home. In addition to iPads, some of our classrooms are equipped with digital boards and traditional whiteboards, enhancing the learning experience. We also use other devices, such as Bee-Bots, to introduce coding and help pupils develop spatial awareness. This comprehensive approach ensures that technology is integrated thoughtfully and safely into our students’ education.