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Team Members

Miss Holt

Head of Secondary & PE Teacher

Miss Langdon

School Counsellor and Safeguarding Officer

Miss Porter

Key Stage 3 Lead and Geography Teacher

Miss Van Lierde

Key Stage 4 Lead and Literature Teacher

Mr Davison

Head of Sixth Form and Year 13 Tutor

Miss González

Art Teacher

Miss M. Rodríguez

Art Teacher

Mr Molloy

Business Studies and Maths Teacher

Mr Khalife

Computer Science Teacher

Miss Farmer

Drama Teacher

Miss Shaw

English Teacher

Miss Kabelacs

English Teacher and ND Support

Miss Guyenne

French Teacher

Miss Arentz

German Teacher

Miss Pestaña

ND Lead and German Teacher

Mr Harris

History Teacher

Mr Devlin

History and Travel & Tourism Teacher

Dr Nick Postelnyak

Maths Coordinator and Teacher

Miss Odaryuk

Maths Teacher

Miss Baumgartner

Second Language Spanish and French Teacher

Dr Marian Waugh

Head of Science Department, Biology Teacher

Miss Díaz

Physics Teacher

Mr Mesa

Chemistry Teacher

Miss Baumgartner

Science Teacher

Señor Perera

Science, Maths and Spanish Teacher

Señor González

Spanish Teacher

Miss Baute

Geography, Philosophy and Spanish Teacher

Mr González

Head of Department Sports Teacher

Mister Simo

Sports Teacher

Mr Horsley

Sports Teacher