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Welcome to Secondary
Welcome to Key Stage 5


Key Stage 5, often referred to as Sixth Form, encompasses the final two years of secondary education (Years 12 and 13). During this stage, students focus on advanced level studies, choosing a smaller number of subjects to study in-depth, usually through A-levels. The aim is to prepare students for higher education or vocational pathways, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary for their chosen careers.

Our school fully prepares students for their chosen paths, whether that involves studying abroad or taking the Spanish university access exam EBAU (Evaluación del Bachillerato para Acceder a la Universidad) for those wishing to attend Spanish universities.

In Sixth Form, the emphasis is on independent learning and critical thinking. Students often engage in more specialized and rigorous coursework, developing expertise in their chosen subjects. They also receive support and guidance for university applications, apprenticeships, or entering the workforce. This stage is crucial for shaping future career opportunities and setting the foundation for lifelong learning and development.