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At the British International School of Tenerife, we believe that every member of our learning community is important. To support both the academic and social aspects of our school, pupils have been democratically elected by their classmates. Nine different roles have been assigned to our students, showcasing the power of teamwork as we all work together towards a common goal: enriching our school environment:
PREFECTS: This role is given to the oldest pupils of the school, providing them with additional responsibilities to help maintain discipline and order. They act as role models for younger students and assist teachers with various tasks, such as monitoring corridors and organizing school events.
HOUSE CAPTAINS: These pupils represent each house—Blue, Yellow, Green, or Red. They lead their respective houses in school competitions and activities, tally house points each week and announce the results during our weekly assemblies.
SCHOOL COUNCIL: These students voice the opinions and concerns of the student body during the school council meetings which occur generally every three weeks. They collaborate with school leadership to implement changes and improvements, ensuring that students have a say in school policies and activities. For more information, visit Pupil Voice.
PLAYGROUND BUDDIES: Playground Buddies are students who help ensure that everyone has a positive and inclusive experience during playtimes. They assist younger students, mediate conflicts, and organize games and activities to promote a friendly and supportive playground environment.
LEAD LEARNERS: These students excel academically and are passionate about helping their peers. At our school, Year 6 Lead Learners assist Year 3, Year 5 Lead Learners support Year 2, and Year 4 Lead Learners help Year 1 twice a week. They foster a culture of learning and achievement throughout the school.
ECO WARRIORS: Eco Warriors are students dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and sustainability.
They lead initiatives such as recycling programs, energy conservation efforts, and environmental education campaigns to make the school eco-friendlier.
READING AMBASSADORS: Reading Ambassadors encourage a love of reading among their peers. They organize reading events, recommend books, and help create a vibrant reading culture within the school.
LIBRARY MONITORS: Library Monitors assist in the school library by helping to organize books, manage check-outs and returns, and maintain a quiet and conducive environment for reading and studying.
ASSEMBLY DJS: Assembly DJs are responsible for managing the audio-visual equipment during our school assemblies. They ensure that presentations run smoothly, handle music and sound effects, and contribute to the overall atmosphere of the assemblies.
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