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How many students does the school have? And, how large are the classes?
At the moment our school has over 600 students across Early Years, Primary, and Secondary. We have one Playgroup class and two classes from Nursery to Year 11. We have a maximum of 25 students for each class, with slightly smaller class sizes in the lower age groups.
For Years 12 and 13 we usually have fewer students, as some of our Spanish students choose to finish their studies in the Spanish education system. We usually have available places and have an extremely favorable teacher-to-student ratio.
What happens if you do not have availability for my children?
If you are interested, we will put your children on a waitlist, and contact you if places become available.
If we have a large waitlist, we would give preference to: children with siblings in the school; children that had studied in the British education system; families that would enroll multiple children into the school; and students with strong academic results.
Can I enroll my child during the school year?
As many international and Spanish families are relocating to Tenerife, we are happy to accept new students during the school year. We prefer to enroll students with a long-term commitment to the school (at least one year).
Our family is visiting Tenerife for a few weeks or months. Can I enroll my child into the school for this period?
We prefer to enroll students with a long-term commitment to the school (at least one year). We might be able to accommodate shorter duration of enrollment for students in the lower age groups if we have availability.
I have other questions.
Feel free to ask! Contact our Admissions Officer at or +34 922 33 69 29.
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