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Governance Structure

The British School of Tenerife is a non-profit organisation and receives no subsidy from either the Spanish or British Governments. All the school’s income from students’ fees is spent on the school’s operating expenses and/or invested into the school’s development.

The school is managed by a Senior Management Team, chaired by the Academic Director and the Business Manager and composed of Senior Managers within the school’s teaching and support staff.

The parents of our students are also members of the Association of the British School of Tenerife. The Association is governed by its Statutes, available below.

The Association is led by a Board of Directors, elected every three years from the members of the association. The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall direction of the school and works together with the Academic Director and the Business Manager for the school’s development.

The Association has an Annual General Meeting, usually in December. At that time, the Association adopts the annual accounts, receives the report of the Board of Directors and the Academic Director, and votes on important issues.

Board of Directors

  • President: Patricia Rosa García
  • Vice president: Juan Francisco Sicilia Santos 
  • Secretary: Juan Francisco Correa Hernández
  • Vice secretary: Alba María Villacampa Sanz
  • Vocal: Yurena Rodríguez Vicente
  • Vocal: Lorena Hernandez Mesa
  • Vocal: Surya Pereyra Kroll

You can contact the Board of Directors at

Important documents related to school governance: