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Welcome to Secondary
Welcome to Nursery

We believe the most important thing in Nursery is that children develop a relationship to learning and to others, as well as grasping concepts such as shapes, colours and numbers.

In the Nursery class it is important that the children learn through play to develop positive self-esteem and autonomy

The activities in the Nursery classes build children’s confidence and skills ready for the transition to Reception.

One of the core areas we work on is the children’s Personal, Social and Emotional development (PSED). Personal development is about how children come to understand who they are and what they can do.

At this age, children’s social development is one of the main factors in a child’s development as they begin to understand and follow routines and rules. Furthermore, they learn how to behave towards others and how to build up relationships.

Emotional development is when children start to demonstrate feelings and understand their own feelings and emotions as well as those of others.

In the Nursery class, we provide a Funky Fingers area. The idea of Funky Fingers is to build up muscle strength and develop the fine motor skills to improve handwriting, pencil grip and pencil control.


OUTSIDE LEARNING – Outdoor environments offer children freedom to explore and use their sense

Our Nursery children have access to the outside area throughout the day. Our outside areas have planned activities to accompany the theme they are learning, enabling children to continue to learn outside the classroom as well as inside.

At the British International School of Tenerife, we want to make the beginning of your child’s school years a memorable and happy experience.

To ensure each new day is a positive and welcome start, we recommend that initially children should be introduced slowly and gradually to the unit, building up to a half day and then a full day. We find that new children settle in quickly if they gradually build up to a full day attendance. Some children will be ready for a full day very quickly and others will take a bit longer.